Tuesday, July 19, 2011

12 Kids ages 12 & Under!

Today I had 12 kids ages 12 & under here....pretty crazy but fun and made the afternoon go by way faster! I had 4 of Daniel's kids here (my brother) and also Michael M. (10) over to play with James10. Here's a picture I snapped with my crappy cell phone camera - Michael had gone home at this point.

Tereza, I totally thought about that family in Mexico who have 11 kids ages 12 & under...that's what it's like around there, every single day! Wow. I love watching alot of kids because when they go home I feel like we just don't have very many after all, hee hee!

I worked hard today, we are almost caught up from being gone for 9 days to Macleay...almost. My dryer takes 4 cycles to dry, about 4 hours, so the laundry is slow going. But it's just about done, I still have half of the 8 sheets we brought to Macleay to wash. The pile on my couch is getting bigger and bigger - but I think I'll tackle it tomorrow, get it all done at once.

Today I swept & washed the kitchen floor, vacuumed all the main living areas, kept the kitchen clean (wow, big and ONGOING chore in itself! Our dishwasher ran 3x today!) and also washed some extra dishes that had gotten a film of dust on them from the kitchen floor remodel project.

Speaking of kitchen floors, my wonderful Dh worked HARD for a solid week whenever he could, sometimes 12 hour days, to rip out the old torn and weather vinyl and put in beautiful tile. It looks so nice! But it turned out much lighter than we thought, and now shows just about everything. It looks dirty already and I just washed it a few hours ago. Little water drips turn into slightly dirty spots from many little feet and it looks discolored. But it is SO nice when it's clean - hopefully I'll be inspired to keep it looking that way.

I'm really tired, but I feel good inside. From eating raw, I love that feeling. I have had alot of energy and have been able to keep an even mood and not flip out at the kids even once! Compared to when I eat SAD food, yowza, totally opposite...every little thing grates on my nerves. Interesting.

Tomorrow I hope to tackle the bedrooms, or at least 2 of them. Funny how, even though I've been working hard for a solid 4 hours now - the house still looks slightly messy. The couch cushions are all messed up, there are DVD's littering the movie room floor, my palm tree has moss in the planter, and the 1 year old I was babysitting got it all over the carpet around the tree. Then of course the couch in the other room is piled high with laundry, and don't even look in my bathrooms or bedrooms.


But it's a good thing, I feel good about how much I worked today, I definitely worked hard and did not give in to idleness or laziness. But now I think I'm going to go lay down a bit and rest my tummy which is feeling tired.

My plan today was to eat a big salad right after naptime like I usually do, but when I got up I realized that the floors needed to be vacuumed before the 1 year old came over cuz he likes to eat everything still! So I didn't have time, and when they got here, well, didn't have time at ALL to sit down and eat a salad. So I made the salad but at the same time, used part of the greens to make a green smoothie and that was a GODSEND when I started to get hungry and needed something to just grab and drink/eat while trying to take care of everyone and get dinner ready. Green smoothies are so wonderful for on the go Mommies, I have to say!!

But now I have a yummy salad waiting for me in the fridge that I plan to eat when things settle down a bit around here. The kids are still kind of crabby from being gone (anyone else's kids do that? Oh my goodness, the past two days they have been SO grumpy!!) and Rachel12 is blaring this KidzBop music that is kind of grating on me, lol. I crave peace and quiet...hmmm...why did I have so many kids again? LOL j/k but I think I'm going to sneak over to the TV and turn it off and see if she notices that her CD is no longer playing. =)


  1. Sounds like a productive and busy day! I loved reading the little details and visualizing you in your home with all the kiddos:) You'll have to post a picture of your kitchen now! No excuses!:):)

  2. I love reading about your life!
    Makes me feel normal!!
