Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 13, Day 4 - Raw chocolate saves the day!

I'm thankful for small victories!! While making lunch for the kids (who are all home today, 2 more are feeling sick with fevers) including Marie's favorite sandwich and a HUGE current downfall of mine, I caved and ate approx 2 whole sandwiches which included 4 pieces of honey wheat bread, tomato slices, cheddar cheese, 2 slices of deli ham, and lettuce. Then I also had maybe... 10 Doritoes.

After that, still hungry (go figure!) so I warmed up a serving of the vegan mexican casserole we had a few nights ago and enjoyed some with tobasco sauce.

Then I was REALLY on a roll....I could tell my sweet tooth was talking to me, as the semi-sweet chocolate chips started sounded delightful in a small baggy while I read my book during naptime.

But then I was just like aw, c' can do it! I really REALLY want to reach this goal I have to be fit this summer. Like, really. So far I have not eaten anything with sugar in at least 3 days - I want to continue with that!

I have a container full of the "Frosting" I use for brownies sitting on the counter that I made a big batch of a few days ago, and so instead I enjoyed some of that by the tiny spoonful; it's very rich. But hit the spot!

Hopefully I am off of my "eat everything unauthorized in sight" horse for the day and will continue on eating yummy white flesh peaches and watermelon.

My normal workout regime calls for certain exercises repeated 3x. That's what I used to get in shape before, doing the whole thing 3x per week. Last week I started easy, did my regime 1x only, two separate days.

This week I started with a bang this morning doing the workout 2x for each exercise. So I did:

T-Bends @ 20# dumbbells, 20x each leg
Dips 20x
Curtsy Lunge @ 20#, 20x each leg
Step Up & Press @ 10# dumbbells, 20x each leg & arm
Double Raise @ 8# dumbbells, 20x each arm
Stiff Leg Deadlift @ 30# dumbbells, 20x
Side Plank 30 sec each side, 2x
Dumbbell Row & Kickback @ 10# dumbbell, 20x each arm
Dumbbell Squat @ 40#, 20x

The normal workout calls for doing everything 30x so I am not quite up to speed, but I am planning to just do everything 20x for a few weeks and see how it goes. The workout gets pretty long if I do 9 exercises 30x each. I tend to dread it and that's not fun either!

Felt great to do it today, though, and know that I'm starting my week off right!

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