Monday, May 16, 2011

VI Pregnancy Week 12, Day 4 - My FIRST day back to Venus!!

(this post copied from the Venus Index forum I wrote today)

Hello ladies!!! It is so good to be back among the land of the living! I've been sick with awful morning sickness for six.long.weeks and I am so happy to be feeling better! Not 100% quite yet, but enough that I...

...did my first VI workout today!!! Hopefully the first of many, all the way up to delivery and beyond. I have to say it is very weird to do pushups (I haven't done them since my tummy was flat) and feel my belly hit the floor before any other part of me does, lol!

I took it very easy - I chose a random workout in the beginning (Week 2, Day 1) and did just ONE of each exercise. It was HARD to stop at just one in the beginning, it felt soooo good to challenge those muscles and feel the stretch, the burn. But towards the end I was glad I decided to just do one of each, as I don't want to overdo it in the beginning, especially and obviously being pregnant.

What I did do, though, was FANTASTIC for having been pretty much laying on the couch for 6 weeks -

Pushups - 7 real, 3 knees
Bent Dumbbell Row - 20# x 10
Upright Row - 20# x 10
Reverse Lunges - 12# x 10 ea leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 20# x 10 ea leg
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 60# x 10
Plank - 60s
Stability Ball Rollout - 10x
Squat & Press - 12# x 10

I have never, ever, ever worked out while being pregnant. I'm so excited to see how it goes! But also doubtful...because I know that in order to SEE the muscle tone you have to be a low enough body fat, and pregnancy is allll about gaining weight and in the process becoming voluptuous and round and smooth! Hmmm.

It's a very strange mindset for me to wrap my head around. Instead of looking for a lower number each time I step on the scale, I am shooting for approx 1lb gain every 2 weeks or so, for a total of 25# for the whole pregnancy. So my goal each day is to eat in such a way that I don't fuel that weight gain more than it is naturally going to be. Such as, not eating 25 million cookies, getting a whopper + fries for lunch (not to mention all the other meals of the day!)

At any rate, I am happy that I've only gained a total of 8lbs so far this pregnancy. I know I can continue on this path, I'm just curious how it'll go with combining exercise with eating healthy too!

Want to see my inspiration?? Some of you know Holly Rigsby over at - while I don't agree with all of the things she promotes, I LOVE her for her example of how you can stay fit no matter what! She just finished a pregnancy where she was very fit and of course now her tummy is back to pretty darn flat, just what, 2-3 months later? Very cool.

THIS is what I would consider a VI pregnancy to look like. It is my goal and what I'm going to look at every single day to be inspired. She is 38 weeks here, about to give birth in just 2 weeks!

I have been able to stick mostly to the raw diet for the past 3 weeks especially, and it has been wonderful!!!! I love it - there are no restrictions calorie-wise that I put on myself, and there are many yummy concoctions you can make - my current favorite is a chocolate shake with frozen bananas, raw cocoa powder, raw agave syrup, raw walnuts, cinnamon, nutmeg. I have that one just about every day and it fills me up for quite a while.

I also am having at least one 64oz green smoothie which I can just tell by the way my body responds, is the best raw food for me. I put about 6oz of spinach, 2 bananas, an apple, and then 8 frozen strawberries with a little vanilla extract and a touch of honey with 2 cups of water. Super good, tastes alot like strawberry cream - or the strawberries that you put on strawberry shortcake.

Also lots of watermelon, and pineapple - I cut it into long sticks and eat it while I'm watching a movie at night - it's so sweet, it's like candy. I don't worry so much about protein but I do get some nuts & seeds in there - I found some sprouted & dehydrated sunflower seeds on Amazon that are pretty good in curry and teriyaki flavors.

The thing that is really tweaky for me is that I am so used to looking at the package and figuring out the calories, how much I can have, etc. I try not to freak if it is raw and I just ate 300 calories worth, lol! I'm learning to change my mindset but you can bet I will be back on the program as soon as I possibly can after this baby comes - I miss my toned & flat tummy!!!!

Also a bikini while pregnant is something else - it feels VERY weird to be in public with a bikini! Even though my tummy is tan and probably looks fine to other people, I feel like there's this abnormal looking growth sticking out of my middle section. And of course my waist on the side is all smoothed out, no more of those lovely dips and toned look that I had last summer.

I'll post pictures periodically, I just want to get more toned first! Get rid of this flabby feel and look! =)

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