Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things I accomplished today..

I decided to actually write down what I do today so that I don't feel like a failure at the end of the day, in the housekeeping/Queen of my home department. =) I even had a helper at one point!

Today, I:

Cleaned & organized my bathroom sink/mirror area
Cleaned & organized the main bath sink/mirror
Made 3 loaves of banana bread for after school snack
Cleaned 4 other mirrors in the house
Tidied the main rooms: hallway, dining, family, computer, and kitchen
Unloaded, loaded, and then unloaded the dishwasher
Cleaned/shined kitchen counters & sink

Next, I tackled the infamous laundry pile. It went from this:

To this, as I sorted in piles of whose is what:To this! Yay, all clean. =)

During naptime, I caulked, spackled, and sanded for about 90 minutes. I didn't take a nap. Hmmm. Maybe that is going to come back and bite me later in the day. =( But at least I got a good portion of one wall done!

I picked the kids up from school and then went directly to the dentist while I tried my best to entertain 4 kids ages 7, 5, 3, and 2 while Rachel12 was in her appointment. TWO fits later...hmmm...I think I'm learning more & more how to maintain an even composure and WORK on not caring what people are thinking while in public!

Home again, and chilled in my room as much as I could (air conditioner is in there!) on this 97 degree day, and just kept saying over & over for the kids to shut the door as they came trooping in for their inevitable squabbles and owies and I'm hungry and I'm bored. =)

Dinner was super duper simple - I baked fresh bread in the machine, love that! And then made wraps with the stir fry (for DH) and the chicken/rice (for kids) leftovers from last night. Honey for the bread, served with cold water = good enough for all of us! =)

I'll add more to the list as I get things done! =)

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