It has been wearing on me for the past oh, 2 months or so, that I can't clean my house! Aaaaagh! People come and help and it is SO so so nice and so necessary, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy and of course in the postpartum time when I have been working on healing, keeping my milk supply up, etc. But no-one cleans like the queen of the home, you know? NOT that I am a clean freak - just look at my cuboards, um...yeah.
So not even deep cleaning is what I'm talking about. I'm referring to those spots, you know the ones I'm sure, where stuff, just JUNK, stacks up until it's like this mountain. It's stuff that only I know where it goes like papers, or even dumb little things that people cleaning don't know where they go - baggies of hairband, a bottle of facial cleanser, a pair of scissors. Then there are the school papers and the "important" papers like bills and other things maybe I just needed to put in a spot to keep it safe until I could actually put it away where it goes.
Then, the nooks and crannies. Under the laundry baskets that never get moved because they house each kids' laundry, behind the basket of books, stuff that has somehow found it's way under the desk. It was driving me NUTS because even when the room was tidied, it looked kind of messy. And of course add ANY more mess and it immediately looked awful again.
So I got up from a good 2 hour nap, and just dove in. I felt like I was physically able to do it and it felt SO awesome to just put my hand to the task and work!! I picked up so much stuff and threw tons of it away, sorted legos and train tracks that were tucked here and there, put them away. Then I picked up everything off the floor and DH graciously vacuumed in *extreme* vacuum style, all the edges and everywhere. Now it looks awesome!!
Then I tackled the kitchen - it was the same, the counters were clean but BEHIND the juicers which I am no longer using, was lots of crumbs and the counters just looked MESSY no matter what. Recycling stacked in a corner, tons of papers waiting to be put away, even a little cup of water with paintbrushes still soaking after like 2 weeks that no-one knows what to do with except me.
Now the kitchen looks awesome, I am SO all about less is better! Love it - at least 2 of the rooms in the house are now cleaned up to par, and it just feels GREAT to be able to do this again, myself, and not have to have others do it for me. I love being the queen of my home and can't wait to gradually get back into doing it again - just making the house run smoothly.
And exercising....hmmm...I know I told myself that I wouldn't worry about any of that, about dieting or eating a certain way, until February 1st. It was and still is super nice to have that relaxed attitude the same time, I am SO SO SO chomping at the bit to just do a good hard workout! Tereza every time you mention it I just can FEEL the endorphins...aagh! I can't wait.
I am actually eating pretty clean, mostly oatmeal and salad and beer. =) With the occasional sweet thing like, 5 reese's peanut butter cups today. =) I weighed myself yesterday and I am still at 145 which means no weight loss in about a week - strange. But no worries, I know how to get it off and plan to do that HARDCORE as soon as I feel I am physically able and can also figure out how to do the whole calorie thing while nursing.
Anyway - good overall day today even though I was KILLER tired from being stupid and hanging on the computer last night while I should have been sleeping. By the time I actually with great relief laid down to sleep, after maybe...10 minutes the baby had finished his 3-hour routine and was ready to nurse. So another 45 minutes of nursing and finally got to sleep from 2am-4am, then began the 3-hour routine all over again. Nurse 45 min, up for 15, then sleep for 1.5-2 hours. Rinse, repeat all day/night long. Which I love, it is so awesome to have that reliability! Love you Charlie bear!
12 days already??!! Sounds like you got a lot done:) I can see how that would feel nice! Charlie bear sounds so cute!