Tuesday, December 27, 2011

4 Weeks postpartum & more overwhelmed than ever...

I don't think anyone is actually "cut out" to have this many kids with a newborn in the house! It's crazy how that one little baby just strips the Mom of any and all ability to cope...! Like, I can take care of my home and my family --- but when you add in soreness from breastfeeding, sore wrists from nursing, stiff & aching body from so many hours of nursing (hmmm I'm seeing a trend here...currently I am NOT enjoying nursing) and then the hours lost of sleep - it just makes for a really overwhelmed Mom who can't handle loud noises (yeah, not so quiet with 8 kids in an 1190 square food house and half of them are sick so they keep crying about everything) and aaack! The messy house is driving me batty and yet when I get like one little minute of free time I definitely don't want to spend it cleaning. Right now I NEED to be taking my midday nap while Charlie sleeps but instead I made some eggs and am snatching a little moment online. I hope against hope that when I go in to lie down, he won't start fidgeting and fussing again. Good thing he's so darn CUTE lol!

Last night Charlie had little fits and tiny moments of sleep until 3am. That was rough - I think I've been eating too much chocolate??? So I am cutting wayyy down on that today to see if that is the problem. But as I was drifting in and out of sleep in between his little naps, I was praying that God would help me to be thankful. I have so much to be thankful for!!! And it really helps when I have that overcoming spirit of thankfulness, because then in a way, everything He sends my way is too good for me, you know?

I'm looking forward to next week when the kids will be in school again so maybe I can make a dent in cleaning and it won't be so loud in here during the day. But then I also dread having to wake the baby up at 6am to nurse so that we'll have enough time to get everyone ready and out the door. And what if he is just barely settling down for a nap by the time we have to leave to get them at 3pm? And I miss my window for a nap and then have to go the rest of the day on zero tolerance? Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh my brain is just mush thinking about it.

Gotta' run, my 10 min window of time is over. =)


  1. (SIGH)...I so understand!!! It will all work out dear friend...just you wait!

  2. I clearly remember feeling like this last year. This is just a stage, it too shall pass. Hang in there, I know it's rough right now

  3. aw! hugs. i hope things start looking up soon. life with new born babies is just HARD. and when you are nursing you are the only one that they want. it can be so rewarding, but so suffocating at times too! hope this is a good day for you!

  4. I've been thinking about you so much these last few days. I'll pray everything falls into a routine, that the kiddos get better and that you get wisdom to know what to do!

    I know it's got to be extra hard with all the kids home and Lucy gone. But you have a point about not having to BE ON A SCHEDULE to get the kids to school.

    I was starting to freak a little that all 3 (HA HA HA!) of my kiddos will be out of school when this little bean comes, but I think overall it will be better not having to try to rush out the door.

    Would meals help? I can totally request meals for you and I'm sure there are sisters who would be more than willing to help out. Just let me know if that would be a blessing and I'll organize it ASAP.

    Lots of love, hugs and prayers!!

  5. I've been thinking about you. I don't know if this would help or not...but I had a terrible time nursing Colton and as much as I wanted to do it, I HATED it because it hurt so bad (yes, I got help from a lactation consultant, etc, etc...) but what finally worked was using a nipple shield. I know it's not "natural" and the lc didn't recommend it, but it was my "last resort" and it helped and it allowed me to heal and it just really, really helped! (They sell them at Targets around here.) <3
