I just wanted to share about my day today. Currently I am feeling really sick - but I have to admit that I did consume - literally CONSUME as if I was a crazy starving person - 3 white flour tortillas with a single slice of bologna inside.
If that is not weird pregnant tastes then I don't know what is!
I'm going through one of those times that many wives go through I know, where DH gets invited to a birthday with his friends and you WANT him to go, so you say yes, I'll be fine! I do want him to have a good time...but I am also feeling neglected and like all the burden of the children and the house is on me. Normally that is FINE but I just feel so darn sick! Like if I wanted to, I could walk right over to that pearly white throne and upchuck all those burritoes.
So even though I said he should go, and blah blah blah, I'm thinking that it's way past time for him to be home and getting irritated that he's not. So.
Two choices.
Get my tush off this bed and go vacuum, no matter how I feel. Realize that it doesn't matter what he is doing at ALL, my job is to take up the battle against complaining and demands and let him come home to a wife in a good spirit even though her body is not of the same mind.
Or whine and be a grump when he gets home.
Clearly the first option is the way to happiness, and that is what I choose this day!
By the way, I ran 2 miles this afternoon which was really nice. Two days in a row - yesterday I ran 1.5 miles. I hope to make it routine that I run on the weekends, and get at least one run in during the week. I am going to up the mileage slowly, and my goal is eventually to make it to 5 miles, then 7 - and probably hold steady at 7 miles. We'll see!
Other than the dumb bologna wraps and a small bowl of about 1/2 cup of cooked raman noodles, I have had raw everything else. Watermelon, big salad, and fresh squeezed OJ. It'd be nice if I didn't have to eat anything for the rest of the night...but whatever, I don't really care.
I'm hoping to take Unisom tonight to see if that helps with the MS tomorrow.
Sherah I love your detailed sharing here! And hey that's not so bad eating for a crazed pregnant woman:):):) Tomorrow is a new day!